SÛR' FIS KLENZ possesses the knowledge and expertise to restore your old equipment to its original operational state. We also make significant improvements that enable you to become more profitable through the introduction of new technology and also in reducing the maintenance down time.
We spend time to understand your challenges and provide the latest technology solutions to upgrade and streamline your equipment so that you can meet your customers' needs whilst cost effectively covering the lifespan of your current investment.
SÛR' FIS KLENZ over a period of time has reconditioned and modified many a machines. Retrofitting old blasting wheels with new blasting wheel, changing the existing abrasive recycling system into a better performing unit, changing the dust cleaning system etc. are some of the basic modifications done by SÛR' FIS KLENZ.
There can be varied reasons due to which a machine can require reconditioning/repair. The reasons can be operational, health relates or the machine is not in a condition to satisfy the production requirement.
Why reconditioning/repair
- The shot blasting machine is not cleaning the component up to its optimum best.
- Machine is taking a longer time than required to clean the components.
- Cleaning efficiency of the machine is very poor.
- Machine is not able to take out the required production output. The machine has very high breakdown rate.
- It has having very high maintenance down time.
- The machine has become hazardous for the operators due to excessive dust production.
- Operational cost of machine has increased due to shot leakage and shot carry over.
- Poor separation of usable media from dust.
Few of the examples listed below show the extent of overhauling and repair work done by SURFIS KLENZ of machines in dilapidated and hideous condition.
The blasting chamber was completely worn out from the inside. The complete body of the machine had punctures in the body. Most of the Manganese lining and rubber lining had got worn out or ruptured .The Manganese table top was also was also punctured along with the main table base
SÛR' FIS KLENZ initiated the repair work by arresting all the punctures in the body with M/S plate. Subsequent to repair work of the punctures the same was relined with Manganese lining and rubber lining wherever required. The old blasting wheel was replaced with a bidirectional blasting wheel. The tables along with their table top where replaced with new manganese table top.
Door Type Spinner Hanger Machine
This 2 wheel spinner hanger machine was in a deplorable condition and was given an extended life by SÛR' FIS KLENZ by doing a complete rehabilitation program for the machine. The machine had lot of leakage issues and blasting issues. The earlier blasting wheel installed in this machine was a belt driven 300 dia. wheel. This blasting wheel was replaced with direct drive 300 dia. wheel. The machine was again relined with suitable rubber and Manganese lining wherever required. The electrical control panel was refurbished with new control elements, wiring, timers etc.
SÛR' FIS KLENZ does retrofitting and up gradation of your existing shot blasting and shot peening machines thereby providing the benefits and advantages at a marginal cost of a new equipment.
Equipment’s are retrofitted or modified looking into your requirement and product specifications. SÛR' FIS KLENZ can retrofit or upgrade shot blasting or shot peening machine of any make and type.
In addition to the retrofitting and up gradation of the equipment, SÛR' FIS KLENZ teams it up with regular service follow ups and technical support to maintenance teams for confidence buildup and better familiarization with the up gradation and modification done.
Few of the examples listed below show the extent of retrofitting and up gradation done by SURFIS KLENZ of machines to meet various shot peening requirements.
This wheel type shot peening machine is in operation in a gear manufacturing plant but always had performance issues related to improper peening and high cycle time
In addition to the peening problem, the media separation was done by an overhead vibrator. Since the vibratory separator was mounted on top of the blasting chamber, the maintenance of the same was difficult.
SÛR' FIS KLENZ used their expertise and know how about shot peening and replaced the same with a 36 inch floor mounted double deck vibratory screen. The control panel was replaced with a new control module including all the latest instrumentation like blasting wheel rpm confirmation, auto ampere control and check, table rpm confirmation in the MMI. The VFD (variable frequency drives) were also properly synchronized for giving the proper RPM at the set frequency. The blasting wheel was replaced with a bidirectional wheel as against a previously installed unidirectional blasting wheel.
This equipment setup was designed to pressure blast automotive components using glass bead. The same was converted to meet FINE PARTICLE PEENING application. The machine was integrated with a electronic media flow controller, Air flow controller, nozzle assembly. The dust collection system and separation system was also modified to cater to fine media.
Before After
View the embedded image gallery online at:
https://surfisklenz.com/index.php/service/reconditioning#sigProIdcc5a405559 |
View the embedded image gallery online at:
https://surfisklenz.com/index.php/service/reconditioning#sigProId8989f6c8b0 |
All the punctures in the body where sealed with M/S plate. The inside of the machine body was relined with Mn lining and rubber lining wherever required. The blasting wheel was also replaced. Both the tables alongwith there table top where replaced with Mn table top.
Door Type Spinner Hanger Machine
This 2 wheel spinner hanger machine was in a deplorable condition and was given an extended life by SÛR' FIS KLENZ by doing a complete rehabilitation program for the machine. The machine had lot of leakage issues and blasting issues. The earlier wheel installed in this machine was a belt driven 300 dia wheel. This wheel was replaced with direct drive 300 dia wheel. The machine was again relined with suitable rubber and Mn lining wherever required.
Before After
View the embedded image gallery online at:
https://surfisklenz.com/index.php/service/reconditioning#sigProIde3808f5f1e |
View the embedded image gallery online at:
https://surfisklenz.com/index.php/service/reconditioning#sigProIdff03fa7f22 |
Before After
View the embedded image gallery online at:
https://surfisklenz.com/index.php/service/reconditioning#sigProIdc4286f0f19 |
View the embedded image gallery online at:
https://surfisklenz.com/index.php/service/reconditioning#sigProId9c0753affe |
Quadramtic Table Type Shot Peening Machine This one wheel shot peening machine was running in a gear manufacturing plant but always had performance issues. The vibrator was mounted on the top of the machine and the maintainence of the same was difficult and also it was dangerously mounted with no sufficient support. SÛR' FIS KLENZ used their expertise in shot peening and replace the same with a 36 inch floor mounted double deck vibro screen. The control panel was also replaced with a new control panel with all the latest instrumentation like wheel rpm check, ampere control and check ,table rpm chk in the MMI. The drives where also properly synchronized for giving the proper RPM at the set frequency. The peening wheel which was earlier a unidirectional wheel was replaced with a bidirectional wheel.
Before After
View the embedded image gallery online at:
https://surfisklenz.com/index.php/service/reconditioning#sigProId90239f573b |
View the embedded image gallery online at:
https://surfisklenz.com/index.php/service/reconditioning#sigProId271ee5f5d8 |